Mind-Body Intuitive Development Exercise 10:55


singing bowlsConnecting Your Mind-Body Through Touch


This lesson is designed to connect your mind-body through touch, feelings, and sensations. We all have intuitive senses, but trusting and following through with those feelings support your mind-body connection.

By incorporating awareness exercises into your daily routine will prevent disconnection and burnout.


This exercise will help you connect your thoughts and actions and work as a solid unit.


Treat this segment like a meditation. You will need:


  • 20 minutes of undisturbed and quiet time
  • Shut off all electronics
  • Pick out an object you wish to focus on 
  • Don’t let your mind wonder
  • Focus on your even breathing through the exercise









course designed to teach basic energy flow and how your chakras affect every aspect of your being.






Thank you for inviting us on your journey!