Everyone Needs Self-Care and TLC with Reflexology By learning to give yourself a 10-minute relaxing foot reflexology session, you are just doing that. You are giving yourself a needed self-care therapy. You can do this reflexology relaxation protocol without special tools other than your fingers and thumbs. You will melt away stress and while your body […]
Click Here to Read Full ArticleVideo Course: Give Yourself a 10 Minute Deep Relaxing and Healing Foot Reflexology
— Suggested posts brought to you by Healing Place Boston-Medfield Massachusetts providing Reflexology, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Energy Medicine, Healers Program, Ionic Detox Foot Bath, Self-Care workshops, Wellness Products and Self-Healing and Stress Reduction Classes available online.
by Helen Chin Lui Certified Reflexologist | Oct 29, 2021 | Alternative Medicine, energy, holistic medicine, Holistic Therapy, Reflexology, relaxation, selfcare, stress relief

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