Creating Consistent Joy – Energy Medicine Tip
January 7th, 2022 | mindfulnessToe Up For Reflexology for Anxiety and Stress Relief
December 20th, 2021 | mindfulnessChakra Healing – Read, Feel, and Interpret Positive Energy – Online Course
November 14th, 2021 | mindfulness
See, Feel, and Interpret the World of Energy! Even though we are surrounded by energy but we miss vital information all of the time. How did we lose our ability to see, observe, and feel? Instead of being mindful of life’s cues, we dismiss these messages because we rush through the process or ignore […]
Self Care Holistic Medicine Video Courses HealingPlaceEnergySchool.com
November 8th, 2021 | mindfulness
Self-Care Holistic Medicine Video Courses For the Home Healer HealingPlaceEnergySchool.com creates self-care holistic medicine courses for home healers. Self-care has always been viewed as being selfish. Without adequate self-care, how can you be the best version of yourself? It is easy enough to become depressed and anxious while the state of the world is […]
Manage Stress and Anxiety with Mindfuness, Chakra Balancing, Reflexology, Meditation, 5 part video lessons
October 24th, 2021 | mindfulness
Stress and Anxiety is Rampant and Out of Control! Stress is the cause of anxiety, physical, and emotional pain, which can lead to needless worrying and fear. Don’t let stress and anxiety take you down a dark road and hi-jack your peace. Everyone can learn skills to manage their stress and anxiety with […]
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