Course 6: Stop Fear From Blocking Your Inner Healer Video Lesson $5


Reiki with Pendulum


Now is the time to awaken your inner healer and become the powerful healer that you are meant to be!


When we begin the journey, we are all afraid of the unknown! It takes courage to take that first step, but each proceeding step becomes easier and less scary. Before you know it, you are doing things you thought you would never be able to.

Everyone is a natural healer! It is a matter of having the courage to listen and then following through with what you feel. How often did you feel something was off with someone, but the fear of making a mistake stops you from suggesting or helping? Instead of letting fear win, why not override your fears and become the healer you are meant to be?


In this video lesson you will learn to:

  • Find confidence
  • Don’t let fear and doubt overcome you
  • Take the next step into the unknown


Cost: $5 View as many times as you want from one year of purchase


Instructor: Helen Chin Lui, Certified Energy Medicine Practitioner



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