Healing Place Energy School Blog Latest Posts

Can Reflexology Help to Relieve Spring Allergy Symptoms? #Reflexologyforallergierelief #Healingplaceenergyschool #Reflexologynearme

Can Reflexology Help to Relieve Spring Allergy Symptoms? #Reflexologyforallergierelief #Healingplaceenergyschool #Reflexologynearme

Yes, Reflexology has helped thousands of people find relief from spring allergy symptoms, including sneezing, post-sinus drip, clogged ears, and sinus headaches. With the touch of the fingers, you can have spring allergy symptom relief in minutes.    Has spring...

Can High-Fiber Power Pudding Correct Constipation? #HighFiberPowerPudding #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #HealingPlaceMedfield #ReflexologyNearMe

Can High-Fiber Power Pudding Correct Constipation? #HighFiberPowerPudding #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #HealingPlaceMedfield #ReflexologyNearMe

  Perhaps! The Healing Place Energy School’s research shows that high-fiber power pudding can encourage moving content through the intestines. We offer a quick and easy recipe you can make from home. Remember to drink plenty of water to help flush your colon;...

Can Ionic Detox Foot Bath and Reflexology Help Your Liver to Heal? #HealingPlaceMedfield #IonicDetoxFootBathNearMe #ReflexologyNearMe

Can Ionic Detox Foot Bath and Reflexology Help Your Liver to Heal? #HealingPlaceMedfield #IonicDetoxFootBathNearMe #ReflexologyNearMe

Yes, a detoxing foot bath and foot reflexology can help your liver to heal while supporting liver functions.    Your Feet is a Gateway to Releasing Toxins Your feet have over 15,000 nerve endings and 2,000 sweat glands. In addition to having arteries and veins cross...

Can You Avoid #Tinnitus with #EarReflexology? #Mindfulness #TinnitusReliefWithEarReflexology #SelfHelpEarReflexology #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

Can You Avoid #Tinnitus with #EarReflexology? #Mindfulness #TinnitusReliefWithEarReflexology #SelfHelpEarReflexology #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

Don’t become a statistic! Did you know that tinnitus is a common condition that affects approximately 10 to 15% of the worldwide population? Be proactive and aware! Support your hearing with Ear Reflexology.    Don’t take your hearing for granted until you have a...

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