Healing Place Energy School

Courses & Products

Chakras. Reflexology. Meditation. Self-Care.
These easy to learn self help holistic lessons can help anyone to feel better quickly without invasive methods or medication. All you need are intent and healing hands.
Helen’s Books
Reflexology Models
About Our School
The Healing Place Energy School LLC was established in 2017 by Certified Energy Medicine practitioner, Certified Reflexologist, Usui Reiki Master/Teacher Helen Chin Lui of the Healing Place LLC. Helen shares her 13,000 healing sessions knowledge with anyone curious and is proactive about their overall well-being.
Welcome! We are happy you are here.
About The Healing Place Engergy School
Healing School Updates
Quiet Seasonal Allergies with #HandReflexology #AllergyRelief #SelfCareReflexology #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #ReflexologyNearMe
Did you know that 10-30% of the global population suffers from seasonal allergies such coughing, sneezing, hay fever, allergic rhinitis? You can add Reflexology to your medicine cabinet. Reflexology can help to relieve allergies symptoms with the touch of the fingers...
Can #Reflexology Stop a Cough From Coming on? #CoughCold #ReflexologyNearMe #HealingPlaceEnergySchool
Yes, foot reflexology can stop a cough from coming on! With the touch of your thumbs and fingers, you can easily on the points on your feet to fight off pathogens while building your immune system. How does Cough Begins? Your throat feels scratchy. You begin to...
Can #Reflexology Relieve #Constipation and #ImpactedBowel Pain? #ReflexologyNearMe #HealingPlaceEnergySchool
If you suffer from constipation and impacted bowels, Yes, Reflexology can help you find relief with regular reflexology sessions. Suffering from impacted bowels can be incredibly uncomfortable and distressing. This condition occurs when a mass of dry, hard stool...
Meet Helen Chin Lui